Series Information |
Vehicle Model | Model Information | Vehicle Model | Model Information | |||
Suburban Single Door GM New Look |
Things haven't gotten any better, only difference, this year's model is known to spontaneously combust! |
First year of Classics ! |
The final vehicles in this series included new turbo options, which changed the sound and feel of the ride. |
New Look seats and premature body corrosion. |
The start of the 2nd Generation Low floor series. The final year of the Luminator destination sign. |
The new (and still current) style of seating was introduced. And different seating arrangements were attempted this year. |
Balios with their orange diodes has taken over as the destination sign of choice for the STM. The largest order of STM vehicles. (To replace the entire remaining New Look fleet of over 200 vehicles ALL AT ONCE!) |
56-001 was the only turbo, and 56-007,17,27,37,47 all had Luminators Displays. |
Very small order due to strike in previous year, some 22xxx series models were made in 2003. |
First MCI Classics built. Included new T92V (Turbo!) . |
Buses appeared from 24-201 to 24-307. |
First entire model year to use the new Luminator destination sign. Also the last year of "White-Stripe" Classics. |
Balios / Axion orange destination sign now has two rows. This series has become more reliable than previous models. |
Final year of white series numbers on front blue stipe. |
This series appears to have been rushed out of the factory with several defects in workmanship and several repairs inhouse and returns to Novabus were made. |
Last year of MCI Classics. 12-100 is a Nova prototype though, and 12-101 is a replacement vehicle for a 1986 GM bus fire. |
2007 NovaLFS |
Beginning of the model year was fine, but then they started experimenting on us again with the 27-5xx series, which all had major problems and are now being repaired by Novabus! |
First model year of Nova built Classics. Some are now being brought into Cremazie and Bellechasse for major overhauls. |
2008 NovaLFS |
The first 2008's that are rolling out are the same as the 27-5xx series, and the 28-7xx will be the first year for our Hybrid Electric vehicles. |
Currently being brought into Cremazie and Bellechasse for major overhauls. |
From 001 to 071 is the last of the 2nd generation, from 072 to 114 is the beginning of the 3rd generation with a new style and no "closet" space in the rear, and the 800 series is the new articulated model that is started to appear on the streets in Montreal, and within 2 years we'll have 202 in Montreal. The last 7 buses in this order will be used for Airport Shuttle service, and therefore will have less seats, baggage racks will be installed in place, and a wrap that advertises the new "747" route in March 2010. |
The last year the STM purchased the Classic model. |
The first few buses of this new order will follow the specs of the 29-112 to 29-147, however the next order will return to the previous style of 29-072 to 29-114. The 30-8xx Series is the new 2010 Articulated model. And a demo bus is being used with a urea prototype system. Using #30-256. |
1st Generation low floor vehicles. Very unreliable then, and even more unreliable now. |
The first order of the 2011 series arrived at Lasalle garage and was configured for Airport Shuttle service. The first 90 standard LFS of this fleet was delivered in the first 3 months of 2011, and the remaining 200 will be delivered throughout the remainder of the year. The 31-8 Arctic series has not yet arrived. |
Vehicle Model | Model Information | Vehicle Model | Model Information | |||
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Statistics for RTL Current & Previous Vehicles
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VanHool AG700 Articulated Buses that served the South Shore region from 1989 up until 2007. |
2002 NovaLFS. |
MCI Classics started arriving in 1989 but continued into 1990 but were all labeled as 9-0xx Series. Some have been rebuilt, while others were driven into the ground and retired. |
2003 NovaLFS. |
The RTL never purchased 1992 - 1993 Classics, but service needed improving and all those 7-5xx - 8-2xx New Looks weren't enough for the demand, so the RTL purchased new. |
2004 NovaLFS. |
Some consider this Classic not to be a true genuine Classic, due to the engine modifications and the removal of the common 6v92T Detroit Diesel configuration. |
2005 NovaLFS. |
Yes even the RTL purchased 1st Gen NovaLFSes, but they decided that they would hold off on future orders of this model. |
The 1989 AG700's needed to either be rebuilt or retired and needed to be replaced, plus the increased demand for more service all required Artics and fast. |
The RTL has had slightly more luck with their 1997 NovaLFSes unlike the STM that has had several fires with this series. |
2007 NovaLFS |
1998 NovaLFS |
2008 NovaLFS. |
The STM did not order the 1999 model NovaLFS. |
The last model of the 2nd gen LFSes with the "closet" configuration. (2-0901 to 2-0934 are on the property now and in service). |
The STM did not order the 2000 model NovaLFS. |
2010 NovaLFS |
3rd Generation LFS & LFS Artic Series. |
RTL routes such as the 45 were overflowing and the current fleet of 1989 AG700's were aging, and so they decided to seek out the newer AG300 low floor model Artic to increase service on this and other high demand routes. Orders continued after 2001 until 2005 of this model. |
3rd Generation LFS - Arrived at Garage. Not yet in Service. |
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Statistics for Other Transit Agencies Current & Previous Vehicles
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Conseil Intermunicipal de Transport du Sud-Ouest (CITSO) - Chateauguay, Quebec. |
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